Women's 'constant' body worries

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Kelly Brook was voted as having the best figure by women surveyed

Almost a third of women worry constantly about the way their looks, according to a new survey. The poll of over 5,000 for Grazia magazine found just one in 50 was happy with her body, with women wanting to lose an average of about . Seven out of women said life would improve if they had "better" bodies. This report is read by Jackie Dalton.

The survey concluded the average British woman worries about her body every . Women had tried a range of extreme , such as laxative use and fasting in order to . Actress and TV presenter Kelly Brook, famed for her curves, was considered to have the British female body in the survey.
The Eating Disorders Association says body concerns are not illness - but warns begin with a "distorted" body image.

Virtually all those who completed the magazine and website survey said they at some point in their life - with 41% saying they constantly watched what they . Half admitted to lying about their .

The most hated parts of the body for women were their . The only parts of the body which were widely liked were the .

Difficult words :

a range of
lots of different

such as laxative use and fasting
for example, medicine (laxative) which makes food pass quickly through your body and not eating (fasting)

famed for
well-known for

was considered to have
was thought by people who did the survey to have

a mental illness in which a person stops eating or doesn't eat very much

a mental illness in which a person cannot stop themself from eating too much and then vomits in order to control their weight

distorted body image
false idea of what your body looks like or should look like

at some point

admitted to
said they had

widely liked
liked by a lot of people

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